Empowerment through Equity



Black Urbanism TO strives to enhance Black community engagement in local development, fostering cultural, economic, and social progress in our cherished neighborhoods.

Experience BUTO

Community Engagement

We bring people together through forums, workshops, and events, ensuring that the community’s voice is at the forefront of community planning and development.

Cultural Preservation

We are dedicated to preserving and celebrating the cultural landmarks and traditions that define the uniqueness of Black communities

Economic Development

We support local businesses and entrepreneurs, working to build a strong local economy that benefits everyone.


We advocate for policies and practices that promote equity and justice in urban development, addressing the systemic barriers that impact our community.

Communicate + Collaborate

Contact Us

To contact us, please email BUTO@blackurbanismto.com or visit us at 1061 Eglinton West.

We look forward to hearing from you and collaborating on community development initiatives.

Let's Connect